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Am 3. Oktober 2023 stellte KitchenFever, ein Spitzenreiter in Deutschland für Küchenbedarf und Kochtraditionen, sein neuestes Werk vor: Ein allumfassendes Küchen-Lexikon, das beeindruckenderweise 123 wesentliche Begriffe rund ums Kochen versammelt.

Aimed at cooking novices, this glossary is designed to empower aspiring chefs and home cooks in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and German-speaking communities worldwide, by enhancing their culinary vocabulary and understanding.

„We understand that entering the world of cooking can be overwhelming for beginners,“ said Max Kuch, Founder of KitchenFever. „With unfamiliar jargon and specialized equipment, it can be daunting. Our new glossary serves as a user-friendly guide that breaks down each term in detail, explains its importance, and offers practical usage examples to bring clarity to the cooking experience.“

From common kitchen tools to complex cooking techniques, KitchenFever’s glossary meticulously answers frequently asked questions and provides in-depth explanations in the German language. Readers can expect a holistic learning experience, as each term is not only defined but also contextualized with tips on its application in day-to-day cooking.

The glossary is already gaining traction among novice cooks and is highly recommended for anyone eager to delve into the culinary arts. It’s the perfect companion for young adults moving into their first homes, parents interested in involving their children in the kitchen, or anyone looking to broaden their cooking capabilities.

The glossary is now available for free on the KitchenFever website, making it an invaluable resource for those embarking on their culinary journeys.

About KitchenFever

KitchenFever is a go-to resource for all things kitchen and cooking related. It offers insightful articles, reviews, and tutorials aimed at helping cooking enthusiasts at all levels. With its latest comprehensive glossary, KitchenFever continues to stand at the forefront of culinary education for German-speaking communities.


Press Contact: Max Kuch
Telephone: +49 30 35134945

Tim Wolf verbringt seine Freizeit am liebsten in der Küche, wo er mit Freude neue Gerichte kreiert und mit verschiedenen Zutaten experimentiert. Wenn er nicht gerade am Herd steht, genießt Tim ausgedehnte Spaziergänge in der Natur, um sich zu entspannen und Inspiration für seine nächsten kulinarischen Abenteuer zu sammeln.